Newsletter | v02

15 November 2023

Drop Shadow

The Hult Prize is the world's largest student social entrepreneurship competition. Run in partnership with the United Nations, student teams from universities from across the world compete to solve a pressing social issue by developing a scalable, sustainable social enterprise. It has referred to as the "Nobel Prize for students”.

Many of us have no idea of what exactly the Hult Prize Competition is!

The Hult Prize is a global competition for young entrepreneurs focusing on social entrepreneurship. Founded in 2009, it addresses global challenges through innovative business ideas. Each year, teams of university students compete to win one million dollars in seed funding for sustainable solutions.


Call for Applications

On Campus Round

Regional Finals

We are now here

Global Accelerator Program

Global Finals

Roadmap for Participants

  1. Understand the Theme: Thoroughly research and comprehend the yearly challenge theme.
  2. Build a Diverse Team: Collaborate with individuals from various backgrounds for comprehensive solutions.
  3. Brainstorm Creatively: Explore unconventional approaches during brainstorming sessions.
  4. Develop a Business Plan: Outline implementation, impact, and financial sustainability with thorough market research.
  5. Effective Communication: Practice clear and persuasive presentation skills for regional and global stages.

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If you believe that

servicing the world’s poorest can be profitable then you can imagine a world with no poverty.

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-- Ahmad Ashkar

Founder and CEO of the Hult Prize Foundation





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This newsletter is brought to you by the Best Organizers of Hult Prize at AUST

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