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Newsletter | v03

01 December 2023

Pathao, a ride-sharing and delivery service, has become a household name in many cities across Asia. However, the story of how this company started is truly inspiring. It all began with a group of young entrepreneurs who saw an opportunity to revolutionize transportation in their city.

The story of Pathao began in 2015 when three young entrepreneurs, Hussain Elius, Shifat Adnan, and Fahim Saleh, recognized the need for an efficient and reliable transportation system in Dhaka city. They saw an opportunity to bridge the gap between supply and demand by utilizing technology. With this vision in mind, they launched Pathao as a motorbike ride-sharing platform.

How the journey started?

With only five bikes then in 2015, Elius’ friends would call him for delivery services that were manually scheduled on an Excel sheet.

Today, Pathao is considered a pioneer in the Bangladeshi startup scene, growing from a lean team of five people to over 600 and supporting 200,000 registered drivers as of 2019.

How has Pathao influenced transportation in Bangladesh?


The concept of ride-sharing was relatively new in Bangladesh

Convincing people to trust strangers on bikes was not easy

Had to navigate through regulatory hurdles

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One of the major challenges was the lack of infrastructure and regulatory framework in the countries it operated in.

In Bangladesh, there were no specific laws or regulations for ride-sharing services

Stiff competition from established players.

Nevertheless, their commitment to providing quality service and adapting to market demands helped them overcome these obstacles.

Key factors behind

Pathao's success











Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations

Formed key collaborations for expanded services and improved user experience.

Aggressive Marketing and Branding

nvested in extensive marketing campaigns for brand recognition and user acquisition.

Adaptability to Local Market Needs

Tailored services to meet specific needs, gaining local consumer trust.

Continuous Technological Innovation

Committed to technological advancements, ensuring a competitive edge.

Community Engagement and Social Impact

Actively involved in social initiatives, fostering positive brand image and loyalty.


Launching the app was a big inflection part of their journey. They did not have any engineers when the app first launched. The first iteration was built by Hossain M Elius, Adnan, and Fahad. They rolled something very simple out at first. Their core philosophy back then was “done is better than perfect”. Now they call it ‘bias to action.'

Pathao's success in Bangladesh stems from its innovative approach and commitment to improvement. The introduction of a digital wallet feature has streamlined transactions, emphasizing convenience. Addressing safety concerns, Pathao implemented female-only rides, prioritizing the well-being of female passengers in a male-dominated society. These initiatives have not only enhanced user experience but also contributed to social and economic development in Bangladesh.

Online Food Delivery ​Pathao Food

Pathao Food redefines convenience in online food delivery, offering a diverse range of culinary delights at your fingertips.

Pathao Parcel Delivery Service

Pathao's Parcel Delivery Service ensures swift and reliable shipping, providing a seamless solution for delivering packages across various destinations.

Pathao Courier Service

Pathao's Courier Service offers a dependable solution for timely and secure deliveries, simplifying the shipping process.

pathao Growth

Pathao is managing fine without raising funds as its own cash flow is sufficient for it to thrive. The start-up has raised $50 million so far.

In 2022, the company logged in revenue of $14 million, according to Rest of the World, a New York-based tech-focused news publication founded by Sophie Schmidt, the daughter of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

Pathao is managing fine without raising funds as its own cash flow is sufficient for it to thrive. The start-up has raised $50 million so far.

Today, Pathao operates not only in Bangladesh but also in Nepal and Myanmar. The company's growth trajectory is a testament to its ability to adapt to changing market demands.

The journey of Pathao is a testament to how innovation and dedication can transform an idea into a successful venture.

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